Shelley is such a fun sister! She is always supportive and encouraging. She has been so helpful as an "auntie"...most memorably as our "nanny" for a few months when Caleb was brand new. She filled in all the gaps I could not quite accomplish and she was great company! I always love having Shell along on trips as she is so much fun to be with for both me and the kids. During the "So You Think You Can Dance" season, I cherished knowing that once a week I would get to have Shell all to myself, and I made sure there was taco salad available for her consumption! I love hearing about and seeing her artistic projects! I love walking in to the office to see her smiling face but more importantly to see what she is wearing:) I feel so thankful that Shell is in the office giving of her time and talents to bless Rhino Chiropractic! I don't quite understand how she does it but I admire her discipline with what she eats and her commitment to running. I know at this stage of Shelley's life there are lots of, husband, family, travel...but I am certain anything she does will be as fabulous, exciting and blessed as her life has been thus far!
Shell's happy Birthday Cheesecake "cake"
I love you Shelley! Happy 21st Birthday!
What a festive ocassion for a festive, beautiful girl!
Not to mention how ridiculously good looking she is!!
You did an amazing job with cake and decorations Colleen! It was a pleasure to be there and enjoy it all!
so many birthday to keep up on! Way to go!
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