Saturday, November 13, 2010

Jamaica Night

This year a big part of our homeschool curriculum is geography.  We are taking a trip around the world (not literally) and learning about the similarities and differences of all the countries.  How exciting!  I am realizing just how much I don't know about the rest of the world and I am thrilled to get to learn alongside the kids.

The first continent we have learned about is North America. Last night one of Mike's patients came over and cooked us an authentic Jamaican meal, shared a power presentation about Jamaica and even taught us how to do a few Jamaican dances!

In preparation for the night, the kids made cookies that looked like Jamaican flags, painted a huge flag on poster board and did a little decorating.

 These cousins have lots of fun together!

 Pimento.  This tree is only found in Jamaica!  The pimento was crushed along with thyme, and garlic to flavour the rice and beans.

 Saltfish and Ackee

 Jerk Chicken

Thanks Ciani for a fantastic evening!

The kids really enjoyed the whole day and this morning they were still talking about how much fun they had.  I am so excited to do our next cultural evening!!

If you or someone you know is from another country and would like to come and share your culture with us, we would be so honoured!  Please send me a message.


Obwald Family said...

LOVE IT! that is so fun, what a great idea. It makes such a difference to have someone that is from there share instead of you reading a bunch of facts

Bev said...

How cool! I would love to come to your school!!

Bev said...

How cool! I would love to come to your school!!

Jacqueline said...

great idea colleen! what a fun way to learn about a new country!