Monday, May 10, 2010

Baby Bear in the Backyard

On Mother's Day Mike made dinner with the kids and I got to enjoy the sunshine and our new grass with Cait.  I took the opportunity to get some pictures.  Cait is growing so fast and seems to be changing daily.  I just want to soak in every minute of her edible cuteness!

Getting out a toy gumball...

 So happy to be vertical!

 Practicing her walky-walky skills.

Inspecting Mommy's new flowers.

Sporting her pretty shoes from Grandma Linda, a gift that she received at her baby shower.  So excited that they fit!

 Oh that scrumptious baby!


Unknown said...

Adorable outfit, headband and love the shoes Colleen! Glad you got to relax on Mothers' day!

Bev said...

Love the baby, love the grass, love the sunshine!!!

Kim said...

Yes she is pretty yummy! Her personality shines through your photos!

Kailey Victoria said...

cutie pie