Last year Mikayla took ballet exams for the first time.
I was impressed with how much she learned and what a great boost of confidence it was.
This year, we required that all our girls take the RAD ballet exams.
The week before the exam, our studio set up a time for the parents to come in and watch the girls do all their exam work.
First, here are the photos from that day:
{yes, I got to watch all three girls' classes on one day...3 hours...proud Mommy!}
Mailee is a beautiful dancer!
She took her grade 4 exam.
Graceful girl!
Sisters looking on.
Mailee was most hesitant to agree to taking exams.
I was so proud of the hard work she put in. It really paid off!
Bar work.
Character dancing!
Gotta love those character skirts!!
Mailee with her friends from ballet and their lovely ballet teacher, Miss Emma.
{Emma is Mikayla and Maddie's ballet teacher as well}
{JSYK...we <3 emma="" miss="" p="">
Mikayla took her Interfound exam.
She's worked so hard this year, I love watching her!
Lots of smiles this year, I can tell she's enjoying every second.
The Interfound girls:)
At the bar.
Mikayla is in the middle
They do part of the exam on Pointe.
Beautiful dancer girl!
Maddie's class did not take the grade 2 exam, but they did "class award" which is like a mock exam.
So proud of my littlest ballerina:)
I made some new numbers for the girls at our studio to wear for the exam.
Everyone was pretty excited after working hard for months to be ready...
Mailee was up first on exam day!
Getting ready to go in!
Pep talk from the teacher...
Mikayla {giving me a silly face because I pulled my camera out} pins a number on Abbi.
You know that nervous feeling...
ready to go in...
Happy to be finished!
Topping off the day with new team jackets!!!!
The next day we were back at the studio for ballerina #3.
More loving encouragement from Miss Emma...
I really appreciate the disciplined element that exams have brought to dance in our home.
I also love seeing the girls encourage each other and share in a common goal!
If your daughters are dancing, find out if your studio offers the RAD program, it is well worth the extra commitment!