Really Quick...
Before you read this interesting information, take a second to let me know that you are keeping tuned in to the happenings in "Banman Land" by clicking on the "follow this blog" button to the right!! I love to write this blog and I'd love to be able to have an idea of who enjoys reading it!
Back to the deck....
So I apologize for the lack of information on the deck! To be honest, I am so silly about only taking pictures when everything looks "clean" that I have not found a suitable moment to take a photo of the completed deck!! Mike finished the deck weeks ago and he did an awesome job. The second the deck was finished, it was covered with toys and shoes and rocks! (rocks on the deck- NOT fun! Caleb has since been told, warned, disciplined and threatened on this topic) I have not had the motvation to clean up the kids' things in order to get my "perfect picture". Perhaps one day!
Today I snapped this photo of the latest project that is going on in the backyard. THE FENCE!!! Mike is building this 9 foot fence and then building a seat that has storage all the way along the fence!

WOW! 9 feet...that is tall! Love the idea of a bench/ storage area. It will be a great place for Caleb's rocks!!
I tried to show on the profile counter that I love to read your blog...but it wouldn't let me, maybe cause I don't have a blog. But count me in...I am sure you know that! =)
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