Today is my 30th birthday! Feels kinda the same as any other day so far, got up, ate breakfast, doing some laundry...
Out with the old... can you see the old bridge, in all it's disrepair, over to the right?
It was a family affair. We actually walked to and from the Dolphins
(which only means something to a handfull of people whom might be reading this blog as you would have to come to Kelowna to understand it:)
Here is a better picture of the old bridge, to the left...it was a drawbridge or something like that...the kind that stops traffic everytime a measly sailboat wants to pass under.
I quite like this photo because you can see all the people walking the bridge. That will never happen again! Very cool.
The new bridge has lower railings which allows motorists a plesant view of the lake as opposed to the old bridge which displayed an entire kilometer of cement walls!
Walking with the great-grandparents. Caleb had a little meltdown before this shot. Man was he ever a pill for a little while! We bribed him with gum and he was back in action!
aw, I love this one! (the guy AND the photo:)
The girls got flowers for their lovely dancing. Caleb is missing..he was outside with an auntie. Yeah, dance performances aren't really his thing:)
These are flappers, it is three tap classes combined. Both of our girls were in the blue along with a friend from school and their cousin Jenaya.
Mailee in her ballet costume, Minnie Mouse!!
I am pretty sure no words are needed, the costume says it all!
Mailee is 6, all the other girls in her class are 8 and 9. The teacher sort of made an exception to put her in the class to make the class a nice even number and so the sisters and cousin could be together, which was really nice! Anyways, I was so proud of the way Mailee kept up with the big girls and really shined. She is a talented little dancer!!
Only eight more days till I "arrive" at 30...Still wondering if I might feel any different? I'm pretty sure I won't feel older, that already happened a few weeks ago when I tried to teach the girls how to do a headstand and got so light headed that I almost passed out.
Geez, that used to be so easy!!??
I love her tiny legs with these big rubber boots, and choice of the frilly top and skirt to go outside and play in the mud!
It was really sunny so she is squinting but you can still apreciate the bike, it is the smallest size you can get. Maddie's is bigger but Mailee is happy on this one and does not want to upgrade. These shoes are perfectly cute but for no apparent or explainable reason she has refused to wear them for the past 4 months and then on this particular day she was scrambling around to find them cause she HAD to wear them with this outfit!! Also note the rock and roll scarf complimenting the ensemble. She wears this scarf quite often because "it flows in the wind" .
I am so thankful for Mailee and how comfortable she is with what she likes and how she likes it. She is such a sweet and fun girl! Although I have fought her a bit over her wardrobe choices, I am learning to appreciate and embrace her unique sense of style and beginning to realise how integral that is to the special person that she is!