Thursday, July 31, 2008
Off To Westport!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Extreme makeover: Blankie Edition!
Madison's blankie has been with us since Maddie was born. I made it for her before she came along. I wrapped her in it when she was brand new. I put her to sleep with it faithfully for the first many months until it became a necessary part of her bedtime routine. Maddie was a blankie baby through and through.
Now she is 4 and still loving her blankie. I am okay with it, it's a security for her...I am not speaking for the other adult in my house:) (Mike has politely asked me to stop referring to blankie as a "her"!!)
Anyways, Maddie cut a hole in her blankie a few months ago (a semi-accident) and since then poor blankie has been going downhill fast! Somehow I convinced Maddie that blankie needed an extreme makeover. We found some gorgeous lavendar silky fabric to replace the tattered waffle fabric.
When Maddie saw this photo of her blankie in two, she cried!

Sewing on a new binding...will the little lady approve?
Gretch and Erin- The waffle fabric is gone...I was thinking about you guys!! :)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
So Great to Have Grandma Here!

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Sunday Morning

Mailee-Fancy is best, silky, shiny, delicate cycle only, I know these shoes are 2 sizes too small but they are my only fancy ones.
Maidosn- Bold and bright, make a statement without saying a word, I know I look cute in this dress so I'll offer for Mom to get my picture.
Caleb- Cool dude, only son, Daddy dresses me and all my clothes go together so he can't really get it wrong!
Saturday, July 19, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Face lift for the Waterpark!
-pooh bear was gone (this is a good thing)
-new cute red and white polka dotted mushroom
-better water guns
-a cool dumping bucket

Dainty little Mailee! Creative and sensitive, caring, cautious and delicate.
Maddie the rebel- going down the slide on her tummy! Loud and confident yet attached at the hip to me in an unfamiliar crowd.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Fun in Peachland

You can't see it, but the lake is right out those windows behind the kids. It is so beautiful!
Lotsa ice cream!! The girls got to have 2 scoops- first time!!

Great day for a dip!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Wedding Weekend
Here are a few photos, I wish I had gotten more!! I love weddings:)
All the kid buckets and the favors for one of the weekend weddings.
There were actually 22 buckets.
Wedding programs for a different bride- too cute!
Just to give you an idea of the AMAZINGNESS that Stage Right comes up with, here is a photo of one of the other weddings they created this weekend!! I just popped by to see it, I was blown away!
Fig & Ruby favors on the fun!!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
I SO want to post photos tonight.....
In other news...Fig & Ruby now has a BLOG!!! Please go check it out and bookmark us so that you can go back regularly to see the latest and the greatest in my creative world!
For those of you who are wondering what all the hype is about, here is a brief-ish introduction to Fig & Ruby:
I have had a passion for all things crafty and creative as long as I can remember. My mom and I made regular trips to Michael's or Ben Franklin's over the years. My mom threw me and my brother the best parties growing up (thanks mom!!). I got the party planning bug in high school when I planned many events in student government: (starting with the MORP...Gretch- got any pics of that??!! ) Proms, Formals, Homecoming, Rallies...this love spilled over into cheerleading with planned themed dinner nights. Next came a few rediculously fun planning sessions with my 4 best friends, halloween parties, birthdays for our moms, birthdays for us...Next thing I knew I was planning my wedding and throwing bridal showers for my friends which naturally lead into helping with details for their weddings. Paralell to the fun of the weddings and showers, I was discovering the pure BLISS of kid's parties!!! I remember obsessing for months about Mikayla's first birthday! By Mikayla's 3rd birthday, I decided to brave the world of cake decorating after my sweet Aunt Barbara gave me her doll pan. (thank you!!) That was 5 years ago and I have since made over 100 cakes for my kids, for family, for friends and now I get hired by people I do not know as well!! So that is me in a nutshell.
Enter Patricia...for a few years now, we have enjoyed discussing all the minute details of whatever party for one of our kids that was on the horizion. We naturally bounced ideas off of eachother and worked really well together on projects. Her sister got married in April of this year and I helped with some of the details. The wedding planners took notice and asked to hire Patricia. She and I talked and we decided to start a company. We work closely with Stage Right, providing fun items that their brides request. One of our big dreams is to plan parties...not weddings but kid's parties, 25th anniversaries, 30th birthdays, etc. The cake business of mine is now under the Fig & Ruby umbrella which seems like a perfect fit. Patricia is also gifted in administration which is such a blessing as anyone who knows me would agree, I am not!
We have officially thrown our first event, a 50's themed party. The pics are on our blog!
The name....
Everyone keeps asking about the name so here is my explanation:)
-We wanted a fun, fresh name, one that did not define us or put us in a box as we have so many areas of interest and we are still discovering what best suits us.
-Patricia suggested we zero in on finding a fruit and a color that sounded nice together!
-Proverbs 31:10-28 describes the "excellent wife" as having worth far above rubies. She works with eager hands, makes things and sells them, sees that her tradings are profitable, watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness...WOW! What an awesome example! Ruby seemed a perfect word to go in our name!
-Fig looks and sounds cute with Ruby!
Please go check out the blog! I am so thrilled to be on this adventure!!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Getting Patriotic

Look at that great banner the kids made! Mailee spent close to an hour taping the streamers to the bottom edge. It's amazing how much you can do with 2 dollars worth of streamers!

We also made these adorable headbands out of pipe cleaners and beads.
We saw this activity in a Family Fun magazine.

We taped streamers to the end of dowels so the kids had something to wave during their "parade". (They played Carrie Underwood's version of The National Anthem and marched around the house while singing.)

The table was a project the kids completed the day before. They each made a place mat with their names on them and they cut out a bunch of stars to put on display and hang from the chandelier.

We had a great day. The kids had so much fun getting ready for the party and participating in the parade. I can't wait for next year :)
Friday, July 4, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
New Cupcake Store!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Happy Canada Day!
This is Mikayla getting into the Canada Day spirit in 2001.