Why? You ask...
-FAMILY:Caitlyn is going to meet her Grandma and Grandpa and great grandma and aunties and uncles!! This is a very big deal. I feel so bad hogging this little angel here while my loving family has only photos to satisfy the baby fix
-WEDDING:My cousin is getting married! This is the real reason for the trip. Myself and all the kiddos (except Caitlyn) are in the wedding.
-WEATHER! It's not that we dislike the near-frigid temperatures...that's okay with us. Everything in moderation, right? When it gets to be half way through May we are pretty much ready for sunshine!!
(I would add shopping but I think there will not be too much of that this time :)
Preview of wedding colors...
preview of girls' dresses ...

If you don't hear from me, it's cause I am in the van (at maximum capacity) trying to meet the needs of 6 other people while attempting to keep my composure...or I may be on an airplane jostling my newborn to try to keep her quiet while holding Caleb's legs back from kicking "that guy" in front of him who hates kids...or I could be gloriously basking in the warm California sun, watching my mom hold the baby while my kids get sunkissed at the hotel pool, dressed up and enjoying the gorgeousness of the surroundings and the special moments of a wedding, eating at some fantastically American restaurant with way too big portions, or strolling through Target...
AHH! Sounds superb and SO worth the trek it'll take to get there!
And I, for one and SOOOOO glad that you are coming to sunny Calif....I can't wait to see you all and meet little Miss Caitlyn!!
And I'll be there too, with extra seats to help ferry munchkins around. "Who wants to ride in Grandpa's truck?"
Oh, and a heated indoor swimming pool to totally wear the swimmers out before bedtime!
kay these pics are sweet too!!
great ideas!
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