Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween 2013

Here's Halloween, start to finish, in no particular order, just uploaded off the camera with a few comments added.

{because with no pressure to be perfect, I can still produce blog posts:}

Something about a new house and new neighbours, I felt inspired to make a sign.
(well and the fact that we have a gate, and I wanted to make sure they felt welcome)

Calkboards are fun.

Maddie came up with the idea to be a nerd on her own.  

Such a cutie!

She put together the outfit on her own, except for the "kick me" sign, that was Mailee's idea.
Slightly ironic?
I think so.

Caleb dug this number out of the dress up.
He was rearing to go at 3pm.
{he had to wait until 7}

He asked "what's FD?"
"Fire Department" I replied
"Oh, that makes sense" he says:)

Another dress up bin treasure.

Everytime they got up to a door, she would announce "I a bumble bee" 

Caity got this costume in the mail last year from Grandma Bev but refused to wear it.
She's waited a whole year to try again to be a pink princess.
This year she also dug out a cape and a sash and a scepter and a tiara.
She was decked out!

When we came home the bottom of her dress was filthy and Cait burst into tears.
She was devastated that her dress got "ruined".
{I washed it and it's good as new}
She's wearing it again today just for fun.

Mailee started planning a few months ago.
She came up with a list of items she needed to secure to be the perfect Audrey Hepburn.
I think she pulled it off:)


Mikayla's friend Zovya brought plain masks back from Verona, Italy.
The girls decorated them to be "black swans"

I didn't help at all.
She did a great job!

Beautiful costume for my lovely ballerina:)

I like that she is still willing to play along, the kids love to have her participate!


Pretty pretty!

All my trick or treaters.

Mailee did not sacrifice fashion for warmth.
She did an entire hour outside like this.
It was freezing but she didn't complain!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I just LOVED theses photos! Tell M that I froze for fashion sake too…and it was 4 degrees here!! (better than last year when we had snow and -10!!)
    House, sign, gate…look amazing! And Cambria is soooo grown up!! <3
