Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Good Times With Grandpa Russ

We fit a lot of visiting into our Fresno days.  We love to spend time with my Dad.
Funny, a lot of our visiting involves food.

We do other things too, lots of chatting, watching THIS on youtube, lego building and this year Caleb went with Grandpa to work for a day!

Here are some of our fun times...

Tailgating in front of Rite Aid.
If you come from where I come from you know exactly what we were doing at the drug store.
If you don't, Rite Aid sells Thrifty's ice cream. 
The best.
Chocolate Malted Crunch.
Mint Chip.

The kids LOVE this tailgate tradition.

We enjoyed Round Table.
Sitting at THE round table.
Which my Dad had to fight some cranky old ladies for.
It was worth it.
They were cranky.

{sidenote: when I was a kid I cracked my head open at this same Round Table.}
Good times.

Gotta love this Fresno classic.
{Fresno State Bulldogs...get it, The Dog House?}

The guys love this place cause there are about 6,000 big screen TV's all over the place.
There is little chatting going on.
Just eating and watching.
{as you can see}

Thanks Grandpa Russ for another amazing visit.
We love you and appreciate the time we get to spend with you!