Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Grand Coulee Dam

We just got back from a fantastic 10 day road trip to Colorado.
Mike had a Maximized Living conference and we have many special people in Colorado so we made a vacation out of it.

Because we drove, we were able to check out a lot of cool places along the way.

Our first stop was the Grand Coulee Dam in Washington.  This incredible structure is almost one mile long and almost 4 times as large as The Great Pyramid in Egypt!

Baby stretching her little legs.

Not sure why but we love the jumping shots!

Way to go Caiters!

To give you an idea of the size, this HUGE crane is up on the two lane road at the top of the dam.  You can hardly even see that crane in the previous pictures.

More posts to come, I am in the middle of the "finishing up school" crunch along with a bit of "vacation laundry" and the usual daily drives to dance..please be patient:)

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