Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Cambria's Delicate Pink & White First Birthday Party

Last weekend we celebrated our 6th first birthday.

I still remember obsessing over Mikayla's first birthday.
And Mailee's.
And Maddies.
And Caleb's.
And Caity's.

I love first birthdays most of all.
The baby, the smash cake, the immense feeling of gratitude for a year of sweet baby love.

The best!
Here's to last-first-birthdays in Banmanland!

Pretty party details.

Fun tassels.
This was a new experiment.
It was time consuming and not enjoyable for my helpers.
Might be a one time only kind of thing.

White cake with lemon curd filling and whipped cream icing.
We no longer employ the likes of white sugar or flour in our home so baking is an exciting adventure in trying new things.
This was a happy success.

I popped in to the store the morning of the party to buy pink tulips and came out with these beauties.

God really does make the most amazing art of all.


The food.
Aunty Terri blessed me with two full days of aunty sleepover bliss for two of my girls.
This left Mikayla and I free to go crazy in the kitchen.
We baked, and baked.
We worked late into the night. 
It was lots of fun to have the quality time with her.

The end result was a table full of healthy tea party treats!

Peppermint Pattys
Raw Lemon Meltaways

Mini pesto-chicken-turkey bacon pizzas

Rosemary crackers and Applewood Cheddar

 A healthy copy of my favourite Girl Scout Cookie

Fancied up tea bags!
(more on this soon:)

Jamin and Aunty wearing their pink.

Big sister, little sister:)

My cute baby!

We love tea parties around here!

Cambi refused her party hat.
I still forced the issue.

I've made a hat for each of my 1 year olds.
It's a little tradition:)

Ahh, crepe paper.
The cheapest, most versitile party craft supply.

She knew just what to do with a cake on her tray.

Best pic I got with hat-on-baby.

Little cutie!
Her cake was angel food cake.

Considering if she should share with the guys...
Caleb loves Cambria to bits.
He is really sweet with her.

Party pretty-ness

Doesn't seem possible that this was a year ago.


These white eyelet lanterns have gotten a lot of miles at our house!
Mikayla just strung some simple crepe paper from the bottom wire.
Lanterns are my favourite easy party decoration item.
So many ways to mix it up.

Cambria's new bunny.
Pure sweetness.

Pink bow.
More pure sweetness.

When Mikayla was born I refused pink and frilly everything.
These days I fully embrace the world of pink:)

Pink Balloons!

This little combo is still on our table.
My secret?  I covered it with clear vinyl.
We have the pretty table cloth feel with an easy-wipe-up feature!

Yesterday I slipped educational placemats under the vinyl so the kids have something to look at while eating.

Last minute cute napkins!
Love when adorable details fall into my lap.

Some begging sisters.

Tiny fingers.
And a cute cute cake stand.
I'll have to tell you more about it later.

That's a wooden letter that I got at Michaels for $1.50.  I painted it pink.
Easy peasy.

Mikayla got too close.
Cambi got her with some whipped cream.

My party crew.
In their pink and white.
What a fun group of girls!

One more look at the little party cake.
And what's on top?

Another Dollar Store candle revamp!

We hope you enjoyed our baby's party as much as we did.
It was a special day to celebrate our little girl.

To be honest, I was exhausted at the end of it.
I always am.
As much as I love everything about throwing a party, I have not figured out how to do it in moderation and keep myself well rested and constantly pleasant.
I supposed I'm a work in progress in that regard.  

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