Saturday, November 19, 2011

Baby's First Snow

 Cambria was so cute in the snow today for the first time.

Look at her toothy little smile!

Not too cold!
She was kicking her feel with glee!

Help from big sister.
"Eat some snow Came-bee"

Tastes cold!

Caleb stepped in to show them how it's done.

Caity followed suit.

Catching snowflakes.

The kids pulled the sand toys out and had a blast with the snow.

Maddie made herself a chair with a cupholder:)

Cute little snow baby!!

Mikayla is on a roll with her blog.  
Don't forget to check it out!

We have family pictures tomorrow, I am SO excited!!
The blog will be getting a new header soon for sure:)


  1. Oh, what cute snow photos! Cambria seems to approve of the white stuff!

  2. Hey I discovered this web site to be really interesting!


    My site; having trouble getting pregnant the third time
