Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Big Family in the Big City

Last weekend Mike had a chiropractic conference in Vancouver and myself, the kids and Terri and Jamin all came along.  We painted the town all shades of pink and blue.

Here's a recap in photos...

Walking to dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory.

Baby cousin's first swim in a hotel pool!

Crazy Kiddos!

Cute little babies!
We got stopped a few times and asked if they were twins.

So excited for our big day in the city!

We buddied everyone up in an attempt to not lose any children.
Caleb was buddies with Aunty.
We also wrote my cell # on Caleb and Caitlyn's arms in Sharpie:)

Seven kids, three adults...hopping on the sky train.

Little Cambie (came-bee) celebrating her 6th month birthday.
How can this be so?
She is growing so quickly.
I love her tiny baby self so much.

Check out those fabulous pillars!

Vancouver Public Library.
My favourite building.
When I was at TWU, I would drive here on the weekends to spend the day and study.
It was fun to come back more than 10 years later and enjoy it on a different level with my pile of kids!

Cambri is hiding in the back seat of the stroller:)

Three mesmerized children watching the VERY enhusiastic librarian run story time.

Mailee and Cait reading together.

Their children's chairs were identical copies to the adult chairs just a miniature version.
So cute!

All the kidlers!
Cambria and Jamin do look like twins at first glance:)

Standing in front of a really crazy car we saw on the street.  Here's a link to a video of the whole thing.

We met up with Mike in the afternoon and rode the sea bus to North Van.

Sea Bussers

Cute nephew and his beautiful mommy.

So fun with these two little lovies!

I love this photo Mailee took of the Vancouver skyline on the sea bus at night.
You can see the passengers in the reflection.

Vancouver was busy, crazy, loud, amazing, intriguing and so fun.
I am thankful to have such a cool city just 4 hours away!

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