Friday, August 26, 2011


Once again this is my somewhat delinquent Insta post.
I skipped last week.
Better late than never, yes?

Maddie made this collage.
Featuring her newly pierced ears.
Pic frame and pixlrotatic are our two favourite photo editing apps right now.

Cambria is getting so good with her hands.  
She especially loves the pink birdy hanging from her carseat.

Went for a playdate at Kingsley's house.
King has everything.
Cambri tried out all his fun apparatus!!

She weighed in at 13 pounds, 2 ounces.

Caity likes her nails painted.

Toast for a crowd.
Well just my kids actually.
That counts as a crowd.

Cambria rocked this outfit at the Farmer's Market.
When I say rocked I mean strait grinning from ear to ear, grabbing the attention of almost every person we passed.
Girlfriend got more compliments in a half hour than I've gotten in my whole life.
No exaggeration.
None at all.

Must be something about those giraffe leg warmers.
They are to die for.

And Caity rocked this little number.
Mikayla called her a gypsy clown.
I guess that sums this look up.

Mike put shelves in Maddie and Cait's closet.
Happy happy day.
It was out of hand, now it's beautiful!

This girl is so hilarious.

A little project with my cute nephew.

Can't wait to get this project finished and share the end results.
I have been loving my spray paint this week.

Came across this photo in an old frame.
Me and Mikayla.
Circa 2001.

My son!
Wow he has a lot of energy!
I love him.
He starts Kindergarten this year!!

This is Cambria.
She manages to be cute all day long.

More cuteness.

A little project I'm working on for Mike's office.
Again, spray paint is involved.

Some sewing was in order for a new baby gift.

Moe Insta/Picframe/pixl editing fun from Maddie.

I organized my jewellery.  
I have been hanging my necklaces on the towel rack for 4 years, waiting to make a cute frame jewellery organizer. 
I decided I couldn't wait any longer so the necklaces are temporarily pinned to the wall and the towel is happily hanging on the rack!

That's all I've got for now.
Thanks for sticking with me.
Keeping it real?
I have not been able to get back on top of the mess/laundry/meals/routine since we came back from California.  I think it's been 3 weeks now.  Seems we have somewhere to go or something to do almost every day and the days just fly by.  I would love to come up for air (translation have 2 days alone in my house with no kids to get things done with no interruptions) and feel ready to say, prepare for the school year that is rapidly approaching but assuming that won't happen, I would love to be gifted a few more hours to each day.  Assuming THAT won't happen, I need to breathe and have some grace for myself.

Let's see your Insta week!

1 comment:

  1. you are one step ahead of me...I just started hanging my necklaces on our towel rack a few weeks ago. It makes me feel way more organized. Now that I see your jewelry, it makes me want to get even more organized!
