We just got home from a month in California. We stayed at my Mom's house in Fresno. Here's a bunch of random moments that equalled a whole lot of fun at Grandmas...
Swinging on the deck eating healthy "Ice Cream".
This is a few seconds after Cambria rolled over for the first time!
Here she is back on her tummy. I tried to get her to recreate the big "roll over".
Ya, not happening.
We have yet to see her do it again.
One morning I heard something in the front room.
I peeked in on Caity playing with the wooden blocks.
The blocks I played with as a kid.
Kinda sentimental...I love that stuff!
Anyways, I also loved seeing my little toddler at 6 in the morning playing all by herself.
She was concentrating so hard.
Look at her fuzzy little bed head.
Cute to the max.
I could have watched her all day.
Too often I make a big stinky deal about the bad behaviour, roll my eyes and say "hurry up, hurry up" and all the little joys of small kids get taken for granted.
Oh and the little feet, who can resist those??
Grandma Bev's bed was "cozy" according to Cait.
Grandma Bev's floor looked like this a lot...
We got crafty...
...and enjoyed smooshing together around her cute little table.
Last but not least, here's a little video of Caitlyn and my Mom's dog Ginger.
I won't go into detail about my relationship with the dog.
I won't mention how frustrating it is when she escapes out the front door in 100+ heat and I have to stand behind the door while she sniffs the front yard and slowly meanders her way back inside. I won't even say a peep about what she does when she finds interesting smelling items (ie: laundry, dirty diapers..). I wouldn't do that.
What I will say is that he doggie is a nice little companion for my Mom and the kids had a lot of fun with her.
Oh, What a great photo of Grand Mother with child! It made me miss my two Grand Girls..You really need to have a painting done of that one. Please join us for Tea today, on my blog, if you can. Blessings-Joy