Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Train Ride into The City

Mike had the awesome idea to take the kids for a ride on the BART into the city of San Francisco.  We once took the kids to the rooftop Cheesecake Factory in Union Square and it was a hit so we decided that would be the perfect destination for our train ride.

Some people ride a train or some form of public transportation their entire lives without the luxury of having their own vehicle.  I don't think our kids really ever considered that until this train ride.  Their eyes were wide open and they experienced San Francisco in a whole new light.

Hopping on the train...very excited!

Each kid took their OWN seat (row) until we began to get closer to the city and the seats started filling up.  I thought it was funny when they were all shocked and a little nervous when a lady sat down right next to Mailee.  At the next station Mailee wiggled out of her seat and sat by Mikayla.  

It was dusk when we hit the city and all the really colorful, exciting, interesting and desperate people of San Francisco were out in full force.  Again, eyes wide open.  We talked about having compassion and empathy for people who were in different situations from our own.  I like that a few of our kids are at ages where they can really think through bigger concepts and express their thoughts and feelings!

"Sky Terrace"
Love it.

I love this view of San Francisco.

We got engaged in this city.
Mike went to school here.
Mailee was born here.
We had our 5th anniversary here.
It's special.

K this is a blurry photo but it's because the girls were laughing hysterically and they wouldn't stay still.  We had a great time together in the biggest booth they have {which we filled} waaay past bedtime!

The ride home was very quiet:)

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