Thursday, July 14, 2011

Monterey Bay Aquarium

I remember taking a field trip to the Aquarium when I was a kid.
I loved it!
The last year that Mike was in school we had a season pass and we took tiny Mikayla a few times.  I was so excited to take the kids now that a few of them are old enough to really soak it up.

Because we spent a lot of time learning about eco systems and environments this year in 
{home}school, the aquarium was an awesome end of the year field trip for Banman Academy!

Caity loved touching the sea stars and other animals in the touch pools.

So did Caleb.
Grossest (is that a word?) thing in the pool?  
Sea cucumber.  
Grossety grosss.
Suishy, slimy.

Feeling the suckers.
She was totally into it, we had to pry her away!

Checking out some huge fish "under the boardwalk".

Mailee enjoyed taking photos of everything.
Stay tuned for the girls' blog updates with all of their photos:)

Peeking in on the penguins.

Cait and some other small fries learning how to talk like penguins.

Cambria just goes with the flow.  She rides around in her "pouch" just as happy as can be.
Every once in a while I remember to take her out and stick her in a picture!!

Mike and Caleb went to a special shark presentation while the girls and I explored at our own pace.
(Translation: We took some pictures and checked out a gift shop)

The Monterey Bay meets the Banman family.

Caity was mesmerized by these jellyfish.
I wonder what a 2 year old thinks when she encounters something new like this.
She asked "what is dat?"
I said "Jellysish" and she was satisfied to have a name for them and just watch them move.

Paparazzi at the jellysifh tank.

The tank that the kids are standing at is gigantic.  It's really awesome that we can view these amazing creatures so closely.

The seahorses were a huge hit.

We kept saying how creative our God is to have purposed the formation of so many unique and beautiful animals.


  1. (Translation: We took some pictures and checked out a gift shop)

    LOVE this comment!

    Looks like you guys are having awesome family time!


  2. I love the jellyfish at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Such a fun exhibit!

  3. We love the Monterey Bay Aquarium! We were just talking about how we need to make a trip there. Looks like you had a great time.

  4. Yes, the jellyfish are amazing Jil!

    Kim- I know you can relate to that comment:)

    Christa- you should go, it gets better everytime, I love it!!

  5. My kids love, love, LOVE it there!! Awesome place to visit as a family :)
