Friday, June 10, 2011


This week was fun.
Camera phone will show you why:

Mailee took me shopping to get me a birthday gift.
{smart girl, getting alone time around here can be tricky!!}

Cait asked me to take her picture and then proceeded to make this pose.
In her jammies.
She kills me.
So cute.

Sweetheart is getting bigger.
I want to carry her around while I can even when she's sleeping.
I dont.
I have other people to tend to.
Meals to prepare.
But I would if I could and this is my advice to all you with one baby or preparing to have a baby at some point in your future...
Hold the baby, stare at the baby, do nothing else, just soak the baby's sweetness up all day long!!

Big girl.
Happened so fast!

First stroll by the water on one of the first warm days.
Mikayla took this one.
Notice Cait.

Hot + Water = Happy Kids

Chubby Bubby Baby Toes.
With polish.

Snacktime at our house is never dull.
And rarely skipped.
And seems to be so frequent.
{10 and 3... I have set times, do you do that too?}

Caleb lost his first tooth.
Mike pulled it out for him.
He put the tooth in his pirate treasure chest.
He woke up to a toonie.
{Canadian money = coin worth $2}
He was sooo excited!
He asked Mike to pull the other one out too.
Put the tooth in the pirate treasure chest.
Woke up to another toonie.
Rich boy, poor Toothfairy!

I made a cake this week!  
I couldn't turn this one down.
My friend has 3 little girls and she got her ultrasound results sealed and brought them to me {and didn't peek}.  I made a cake with {either} pink or blue on the inside.  The outside was white.
They cut into it at a little family party.

So fun.

More Cait being Cait.
Posing one her own for a picture.

A little home school project action.

Avacado snacking.
I love it when my kids want stuff like this to eat!!

Craving some craft time!
We got crafty yesterday and everything else fell apart around here.
Messy messy house.
It was worth it though!

Funny conversation of the week:

Maddie: "How do I look, Caleb?"
Caleb: "Pretty like a fashion star."

Incorporating math into our sewing.
After figuring this out, we decided to make it smaller.

Funny made up word of the week:

Caleb wanted to know what was for 10 o'clock snack.
It was 11:30.
I said we are having lunch next.
Mailee said "Then it's snunch Mom."

It's a full and busy and funny and happy life!

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