Friday, June 3, 2011


My week in review as seen thru the lens of my iphone...

A little bit addicted to Instagram...

Cait conked out after a few minutes at Mikayla's dance show.  Here she is at intermission.  She woke up during the bow at the end.  I asked her if she enjoyed the show and she said "yup."

Enjoying a neighbourhood stroll.

Mike took me out for lunch on my birthday and THEN he took me to my favourite french pastry shop and bought me this delectable treat and THEN he took me to the mall to pick out a gift!

How she fell asleep on her "2 month birthday".

Notice the expensive car.{whoop-tee-doo}
Notice the amount of seats in said expensive car.
Notice where the jerk parked.

Caity got into my eye make up and did this to herself.

My girls made pancakes while I was still sleeping on my birthday.

Mailee made this.

Free drink from Blenz on my birthday!

Two little ladies cozied up on the couch.

Mixing patterns.
Not quite Okanaganista material but far from frumpy.

Inspired by these patterns and colors.
Excited to share the finished product after I give the gift to the new baby!

These adorable shoes are falling apart.
But I'm attached.

Cambria got a package this week from my friend Jenny.
New hat.
Love it.

There's my girl, getting so big.
This week we have been working on getting her into a routine.
Holding her while she drifts off to sleep isn't really part of the routine but she kinda likes it!

Playdate for Mikayla.
Even "big girls" like to dress up!

We have a nice supply of polish options.
Perhaps a bit too much?
It took longer for the girls to choose their color than it did to paint their nails!

Thanks for looking.
Link up.
Add Instagram if you can!

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