Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Learning About Japan

 We went to the library downtown with the Stangs and checked out an exhibit all about Japan.  This month is Asian Heritage month

It was really awesome to see all the toys they play with and hear about traditions they celebrate in Japan.

This year in {home}school we have been studying countries and cultures in depth.  We are studying the continent of Asia right now so this exhibit came at the perfect time.

Playing the Japanese Harp.

A tissue paper ball.  

Koi flag for "Boy's Day".
Families display one flag for each boy in front of their home for the month of March.
{I guess we would only have one flag for that day BUT, "Girls Day" in May well, now that's a different story}

Ethan checking out the dragon puppet.

The guy running the exhibit had tons of toys and he spent quite a bit of time showing the kids how they all worked.

Doing this kind of thing with our kids is so enriching...for their little minds, for their understanding of the world, for quality experiences we can share together and discuss at the dinner table...

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