Friday, May 27, 2011

Insta- Friday

This week in random....

Me: "What's on your face Cait?"
Cait: "me my mah-ker"

That's my white girl in the middle.
Doing hip hop.

Farmer's Market on Saturday mornings.
Makes me happy.

Maximum capacity.

Meeting Aunty Shelley for the first time.

Ice cream at Grandma Cricks.
Cait is still happy getting a tiny one.
I like those happy toddler days.

Walking to the park with Meghan.
{Uncle Brian's girl}

The mice that are leaving trails behind in my kitchen serve only one good purpose....
Their mess caused me to clean my pantry!
Isn't it pretty?

Found my sailor dress in the garage and put it on Caiters.

Possible vacation plans.
Info complied by Mikayla.

Me: "smile Cambria"
Baby: "I'll smile after you feed me"

Happy clean baby

Growing too fast.

67% of my kidlers.

Oh the sweetness.
When she falls asleep here,
I'm paralyzed.

Trusty yellow cardy.

"take one of me Mom!"

Mixing patterns?
For sure.
I say yes.  Look HERE

Real ballerinas have holes int heir tights.
Their $18 tights.
All the time.
And their mommies keep having to buy new ones...

Aftermath of craft time.

Spice cupboard was jealous of the state of the pantry so I had to share the love.
One day they will all be in uniform containers with pretty labels.

You got some random happy phone photos??
I wanna see!
Link up!

life rearranged

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