Friday, May 6, 2011

Insta Friday

Another week is over.  
Here's a little randomness from said week.
{all taken from my phone and edited with Instagram}

 Tulips are popping.
We have spring people!

I have a thing for oranges.
I eat tons of these bad boys.
I never buy if they have a florida sticker.
It must be the California girl in me.

You know the best oranges come from California.
You didn't?
You do now. 

My sister's feet are happy.
They have cute new shoes.
Mine are envious.

This is where I live.
This is the view I see on my drive.
It's ridiculous.
So pretty.

Cub got a new suit.
Cute, yes?
Grandma Crick scoured the town for this little number.
Grandma Crick rocks the mall like nobody else.

Royal Wedding.
Formal attire was a must.

Little Guys.

Canada had an election.
I voted.
They sure don't pump it up with flags and stickers the way the US does but I was proud to do my part just the same.

This boy turned five.
Say WHAT????
How is this possible???

These made their way in from the park.
One of the perks of being "Mommy".

Not sure what it is about sleeping in the living room that is so appealing?
Do your kids love it as much as mine do?
Do your kids love putting the blankets and couches back in the morning like mine do?
Eh hem....
I didn't think so.
Made Poutine for the first time.
Never heard of it?
It's a Canadian thing.
The name sorta rubs me the wrong way but it tastes reeeal good!

Last midwife appointment.
Sad sad sad.
It's a crime that she's a month old already.
9 pounds, 5 ounces of sweetness.
Stay little please!

Okay, that's it till next Friday.
Wanna join the fun?
Link up and share your photos!!

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