Thursday, April 21, 2011

Grandma Goodness

We had an awesome visit with my mom "Grandma Bev".

She snuggled baby, read books, played Playmobil, conducted some school lessons, folded some laundry, helped throw Cait's birthday party and hung out at Chapters.

We were so sad to wake up this morning and not be able to dog pile her in her bed!

Being silly with Grandma.

 A new book for everyone.  
Thanks Grandma!

Big Sister/Little Sister matching outfits:)

Laughing with Grandma

I have so many fun photos to share, we celebrated Cait's birthday with a rubber ducky party and I got the photos from the newborn photo shoot with Candice!!

BUT is all about decorating eggs with the cousins!  Yahoo, so fun!!


  1. It all looks like so much fun! I love seeing all the daily events.

  2. I had a most wonderful time with 6 fun, talented, playful, sweet, cuddly, creative gandchildren and their perfectly wonderful parents!! Very short but sweet adventure!

  3. It looked like fun..cait and cambria were really cute I like the matching outfits!
