Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Recap

Easter was awesome this year.     

We colored eggs with the cousins.

Caity loved it!

The kids were talking a lot this week about what Jesus did for us and how hard it must have been to die on a cross. 

Caleb was especially interested in discussing the nails going through His hands and feet.  

 I always find it frustrating to create a healthy balance between what the day is supposed to be about and all the "fun stuff" that the world focuses on.  As the kids get older, they are getting the full picture and that is exciting!

My Mom got Cait and Cambria matching froo-froo pink Easter dresses.  
They were so precious.
Not very practical for moving around or holding baby, but really really cute.

{check out baby's tights...her teensy legs are swimming in those tights..so so cute}

Cait really liked matching with "new baby".
She toted her purse around all morning.

My boys are such good sports.  
Mike did draw the line this year at "no pink" for him or Caleb.
Fair enough.
I'll take matching navy polos:)

In the morning before church I was quite proud of myself for having everyone ready in time.
I pushed the envelope by making them stand still for a photo.
Here they all are... 3 looking, 2 not so much.

After church the whole family came over.
Mike's Grandma made a spread and we enjoyed eating.
She has a gift for feeding people.
Does that sound silly?
She really does!!

After lunch the kids were chomping at the bit to get to the egg hunt.
The dads/ uncles hid the eggs.

We write names on the eggs so that everyone ends up with the same amount and all the same candy.
Its a bit of a process to prepare but Tam and I have fun doing it and it makes the hunt go really smoothly. 

  The big kids' eggs are hidden in crazy places...

And the little kids' eggs are a bit more obvious.

{I just have to say I love this picture of a real moment frozen in time...
Terri,Tammy, Meg and Bri taking a photo of themselves, Grams smiling at them, Matt watching Caiters hunt for eggs, Mike helping Cait with her bucket and holding her headband...so much great action!!}

Another great one.  Such a supportive family; check out Uncle Jay's face!

Cait and two of her Grandmas.

This right here is the money shot.
Check it out, 9 children all looking and all smiling! (Cambria is screaming but she's a newborn so I'm still counting her)

Oh- not to mention the fantastic matching going on!
(I kinda like that sort of thing:)

K this one is pretty cute too!
I love these kids and love how much they enjoy being together.
Pretty sure I've mentioned that once or twice.

Family picture!

The big girls and their buckets full of treats.
I made them each a headband or clip.
I guess Mailee didn't like wearing hers?

Buddies in matching duds.

It was a fun day!
I hope yours was too!

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