Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Caleb Loves Cambria

Caleb has taken a much bigger interest in the baby than I expected.  He asks to hold her all the time and he is really sweet with her.  Caleb is a really loving boy who wants to be heard and included and appreciated.  Often the girls gang up on him and leave him out.  Other times I target him as "the problem" because he is the loudest and most rambunctious of the bunch.

My precious boy!  I want him to grow up in this home feeling loved and accepted and treasured.  

 Scroll down to see his cute video.  He asked me to take a movie of him holding the baby.  He watches the girls make their school movies to display their work all the time.  So cute how he introduced himself just like the girls do:)

K, I just have to say, our awesome, fabulous hairdresser had a baby 2 days before me.  
Our whole family's hair is lost without her!!
{In case you were wondering if we were going for the Beiber look or something,}


  1. This video makes my heart warm! Caleb is a sweet, loving boy with abig heart! I love seeing him gently hold and snuggle his baby sissy... The little kiss of her finger is precious!

  2. oh my goodness, he is adorable with her! it looked like Cait was trying to creep in on his time :)
