Friday, March 11, 2011

Colleen + Eight

I have had my niece and 2 nephews for the last three days from 9-5.  We have been having a blast.  Our kids were so excited to get to do school with their cousins!

Here's a little rundown of the last three days...

Mikayla and Jenaya ran the morning routine the first day.  

Working on drawing places in our community to help Maddie and Ethan with their community map project.

Pioneer project; making molasses candy.  

Recipe from an old cookbook that we checked out at the library.  Hilarious to try to figure out what they are talking about...things like "1/4 yeast cake" I was running to Google to try to figure out what it all meant!

Pulling the candy.

8 lunches lined up for co-op. 
 Food prep is definitely the biggest part of having this many kids in the house.

Playing the straw game.  This was played multiple times.  The kids loved it.  
Sooo much spitty water to dump...yeek!

7 fantastic leprechauns ready to go on display at Rhino Chirpractic.  The kids did a great job!

We will all be together again on Monday and we have big plans.  It is so fun to have such a great group of kids to enjoy life together.  
They all genuinely love each other and have a great time in whatever they do.

1 comment:

  1. i feel so blessed seeing all these photos..very proud of all of you..and it looked like you made a lot of good memories these past few the candy pull..did it taste good?

    almost half a Dugger family:)
