Sunday, January 9, 2011

Silverstar For The First TIme

 We drove up to Silverstar for night skiing Friday night. 

Mailee's first time skiing!!  Mikayla got to learn last winter with school so we wanted Mailee to get a chance as well.  She ended up loving it and can't wait to go back!

 I stayed back at the village with the little people.  Here is my cute little kitty:)

She found some skiis in the rental shop that were just her size.  
We had a little conversation about them...
Cait: "Me?"
Me: "Would you like to try skiing?"
Cait: "Ya! Baby's?"
Me: "Not this time Cait."
Cait: "MINE!"
 {insert small tantrum here}

 Studying the tiny skiis...

Getting ready to go.

Perks to not getting to go skiing: Hot Chocolate!!


  1. Amazingly adorable family! Where did you get that cute cat hat for Cait? It would make a perfect gift for another little person I know who LOVES kitties! Thanks - Renee Shelly Venegas

  2. My mom got that hat at gymboree. it is SO CUTE! She got lots of compliments:)
