Saturday, January 15, 2011

Cait's First Piggies

Today Mike took the two big girls up for another day of skiing and Caleb spent the day with Grandma and Grandpa so Maddie, Cait and I were home alone.  We made good use of our time.  We painted a beautiful canvas for their room, watched Charlotte's Web, and made pancakes for dinner.

Most notable event of the day; Cait got her first piggy tails.  She was so cute checking herself out in the mirror.  This has been an exciting event for each one of my girls because they have all been old enough to recognize that the new hair experience = fancy, special, pretty and exciting! {This is my delicate way of saying my babies don't grow hair very fast so it's a big deal when they have enough to make pigtails!}

Enjoy these photos with me...

So proud of the new hair-do!


Clearly being old enough for piggies is not too old for sucky fingers...

 First time she's ever made this funny:)

Cute stuff Cait Bear!

 I know I have said this before but it constantly amazes me that all these little milestones keep coming with each of our children and they are just as special, just as precious as they were the first time with Mikayla.  I love how God gives us a fresh perspective with each one of our sweet kiddos!


  1. CUTE!!! Good job growing your hair, Caity Bear! We have a bit longer for this milestone with Soph. Love you!!
