Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Smootie Sucker

Cait loves smoothies. The other day I made a smoothie for the family and we were all drinking away when we noticed that Cait was agitated. She was grunting and crying and she was giving us all the "mad face". We tried all the obvious things: checked her bum, showed her some toys, changed her surroundings, offered her a chance to nurse, all with no satisfaction. I carried her back into the kitchen and took a sip of my smoothie and Cait came unglued. Her little birdie mouth opened up wide and she kicked her feet. It was instantly clear what she wanted! Here she is enjoying *my* smoothie!


  1. Oh my goodness, that is the cutest thing I have ever seen!! I love how she just wants to be part of the action. Look at her little hands.. what a sweetie!

  2. ut oh...a girl who speaks her mind...super cute! :)
