Monday, May 4, 2009

Caitlyn's First Outing

It took a few hours to gather everything, dress the baby, feed the baby, pack the bag, change the baby, get 4 pairs of socks on 4 kids, pack a picnic lunch, feed the baby again, put the bikes in the van, switch around every one's car seats, add a new seat...but finally, we were off on our first family adventure with our new girl!

One small person, a whole lot of stuff!

Wow! She loves the sunshine.

Our Fantastic Five!
(the girls were fighting over who got to hold the baby so she ended up laying in front :)

I'm overwhelmed. Honestly, everyone needs something from me all day long, or at least that is how I feel. I feel inadequate to meet every one's needs and stay calm and pleasant all the time. I feel impatient and irritable. Blogging is the only thing I can do with one hand while I nurse the baby. The rest of the house feels like it's falling apart. I should take a photo of that. Ha!
All of that is true and totally real right now but in the bigger scheme of things, I am so blessed! 5 healthy sweet kids. A whole bunch of family here that is filling in the gaps where I can not....The baby will not stay tiny forever, she will grow and be able to get her own socks on one day just like Caleb can. I want to embrace these moments and cherish them before they are gone!


  1. Wouldn't it be sad NOT to be needed? I'll be praying for you to have lots of peace, energy and strength in the coming weeks. Your kids are so blessed to have such a special mommy!

  2. Isn't it amazing how much stuff such a small person needs just to leave the house. I think feeling overwhelmed is perfectly natural. 1. I'm sure you're lacking in sleep. 2. You have a baby that needs to eat all the time and you are really the only one who can take care of that. 3. Your hormones are CRAZY right now. 4. You have FIVE children! Hang in there it will get easier. Enjoy your sweet little one.

  3. Can't wait to see you guys in May....and special to have 5 lovely kids..that is true....blessings to you in the next few great to have some older helpers though...xoxoxo

  4. wow.. this blog posting brought tears to my eyes!! so proud of you! your doing an awesome job!! i had a little laugh about caitlyn lying in front of the girls, i could just imagine how it went and shes totally oblivious! haha!!
    the carseat is totally perfect just the way it is!! :)

  5. Thanks friends for the kind words (and awesome verse...)I appreciate the support!!
