Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sunday Morning

I love this picture of our kiddos this past Sunday on the steps of the church. They all have outfits that suit their personalities!

Mikayla-School girl, follow the rules, stick with the plan, wear what I know Mommy would want me to wear.

Mailee-Fancy is best, silky, shiny, delicate cycle only, I know these shoes are 2 sizes too small but they are my only fancy ones.

Maidosn- Bold and bright, make a statement without saying a word, I know I look cute in this dress so I'll offer for Mom to get my picture.

Caleb- Cool dude, only son, Daddy dresses me and all my clothes go together so he can't really get it wrong!


  1. Too cute! And so true...

  2. So sweet! I love how they all have different and unique personalities.

  3. WOW Colleen we've come a long way from all matching in this one!!!
    They did well and you described them to a are a very discerning, loving mom!

  4. Bev - Doesn't Caleb look an awfully lot like your brother Gary did at this age?

    (Click on the picture to see it full-size and you'll see the resemblance.)

    Colleen - What program are you using to get the black & white from color? Very cool.

    Your kids are so darned cute!!

