Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fun in Peachland

Yesterday we went to Peachland for the day. We ate lunch at the Gasthaus and took the kids for a bike ride and then went for a swim in the lake. It was fun to relax and hang out together!

You can't see it, but the lake is right out those windows behind the kids. It is so beautiful!

Caleb is loving this scooter. Thanks Dad!

Lotsa ice cream!! The girls got to have 2 scoops- first time!!

Lil Lickers

Great day for a dip!

1 comment:

  1. Ah. . . the "rescued" scooter lives on! I didn't realize it wasn't in Fresno anymore - glad to see it's being put to good use!

    Two scoops - different flavors, too. Very yummy. . .

    Isn't summer a great time for family fun?

    Love to all. . .

