Friday, June 27, 2008

Happy Anniversay!!

Well, our anniversary was actually yesterday but I didn't get this done in time!


  1. Very Fun...hey how come men always look the same year to year? Happy Anniversary!

  2. How sweet you are. It melted my heart to watch your family grow over the years. I hope our family will be as blessed as yours has been these past nine years. Happy Anniversary.

  3. It makes me happy to see you happy! God has blessed you richly...praise Him!

  4. What a lovely recap of your life with Mike! God is so good to bless you guys so much! I love remembering all the milestones over the past 9 years. Here's to 9 more! Happy Anniversary!

  5. Thanks for doing this - it is so great to see pictures of your family before I knew you all. You have a beautiful family. Happy Anniversary!

  6. Very nicely done, Colleen. . . both the slide show and 9 years of happiness.

    Thru all the trials and tribulations, apartments, rental houses and condos, babies and more babies, school and more school, a wonderful family has evolved.

    I'm SO proud of you two. . . Happy Anniversary!!

