Friday, June 20, 2008

First Day of Summer Vacation

Today was our official first day of summer vacation. School was out on Wednesday but we had visitors on Thursday so that day didn't really count!

Today we slept in a bit (for my children that means 7am) and took our time getting ready. Our first stop was the library. The girls signed up for the summer reading club and checked out piles of books. Mikayla checked out 9 chapter books, two Ramona books that I am sure I read a dozen times when I was little, a handfull of books about horses, and some others I can't remember. I have no doubt she'll have them done in less than a week. Mailee checked out two beginning chapter books from a series called the Tiara Diaries (I think?)....they are right up her alley! She also got a few picture books. Maddie checked out a bunch of picture books. Mikayla checked out a Thomas Train book for Caleb which he seemed quite thrilled about! The big girls are stokked about the summer reading club and I must agree, it is an excellent way for them to stay busy over the summer- yay for free fun that is educational!!

Mailee reading to sweet!!

Mailee took Maddie by the hand and gave her a tour of the kid's section!

After the library, we met Mike at the park for lunch. The kids loved that!!

After this I shuffled the children to the craft store, the fabric store and Walmart. It is a challenge to take 4 children to a store!!

All in all I think the day went pretty well and I am thrilled to have a few months to spend with all the kids and focus on investing into their precious lives.

Romans 14:19

"So let us concentrate on the things that make for harmony, and on the growth of one another's character"


  1. Don't forget to mark the due date on the calendar!!

    Libraries are a wonderful thing - we took you and your brother to Politi lots of times when you were little.

    And oh, the joy of swinging on a playground swing. . .

    It's the little things that leave lasting impressions.


  2. "I Kissed the Baby" is one of Charlotte's favorites!

  3. hey- I think I remember that it is in her potty training book pile, right? I thought that book looked familiar but I couldn't place it!!
