Sunday, June 1, 2008

Birthday Bash

Yesterday was a great day. I am speechless, really. Because we marked the big 3-0 in March in California with all my family and 5 best friends, and THEN Mike surprised me with a birthday trip to Vail with two of my best friends earlier this month, I have felt celebrated for a while now. I was looking forward to officially being 30 but I didn't expect the lovely, thoughtful, super creative and tons of fun night that I ended up having last night!
Somehow my camera only has a handfull of photos that do not begin to do the night justice...
opening a gift from my girls...
I also got a great gift from my mom, a fancy stamp with my very own address on it...hopefully many of you will enjoy the workings of this fun gift whenever I send you cards (hmm, I guess that is really only at Christmas these days- perhaps i will be upping the anti in this department now that I have this great stamper!!)

Dinner with friends and sisters at La Cucina on the was a perfect night for the patio! We closed the place down and had to be asked to politely pay and move along-that's how comfortable we were:)
My sisters (this is Terri and Tammy, Shelley is taking the picture) planned an amazing night complete with a name tag for me, cute favors that they made, a fun creative, thoughtful game, a very unique and super yummy and pretty "cake", a gift I could not have picked out better for myself, and a glorious, wonderful "C" .....

(all of this will make much more sense once I can upload some proper photos:)

I am probably leaving some important details out but the overall sentiment is that I felt so special and I was honored that they went to all the trouble to look after all the little details for my special day. All of my fun friends who came made it such a great mix of awesome people and I felt so loved and encouraged. Thank you all of you!

Another highlight of my night was a surprise phone call from my best friend in the whole world, Gretchen right in the middle of dinner wihich I quite enjoyed because she is the one person that I would have transported there if I had the option!

Thanks for the call Gretch!

My sweet kiddos are anxious to show me a surprise today so it seems the celebration continues!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a perfect ending to your Birthday Month! What wonderful sisters to plan all of that special attention.
