Mikayla and Mailee performed in the dance show tonight. They had two shows so it was a LOOONG day! I just have to say, I love everything about the dance show, the whole excitement and all the costumes and helping the kids get where they need to be... it is such a fun atmosphere! I think I am reliving some part of my childhood but enjoying it even more as a mom cause I can actually watch my kids and see them enjoy all these fun things!
My girls did really well and had a ton of fun. They are already talking about taking 3 classes next year- yikes!!
The girls got flowers for their lovely dancing. Caleb is missing..he was outside with an auntie. Yeah, dance performances aren't really his thing:)
These are flappers, it is three tap classes combined. Both of our girls were in the blue along with a friend from school and their cousin Jenaya.
Mailee in her ballet costume, Minnie Mouse!!
I am pretty sure no words are needed, the costume says it all!

Mikayla in her ballet class. They were lemonade girls...still not quite sure what that was, I guess little girls who set up lemonade stands..? Doesn't matter, they were adorable!!
Six of these girls are Mikayla's friends from school as well.

Mailee is 6, all the other girls in her class are 8 and 9. The teacher sort of made an exception to put her in the class to make the class a nice even number and so the sisters and cousin could be together, which was really nice! Anyways, I was so proud of the way Mailee kept up with the big girls and really shined. She is a talented little dancer!!