We made these treats together for her to take to school. So easy, we just stuck 2 jumbo marshmallows in a stick, dipped them in melted chocolate and sprinkled them with non perils. She said they were a big hit and they tasted so good. (The rest of us didn't try them... We TRY not to feed our kids this kind of sweetness at home, I made exactly the right amount for school and no extras :)
Double bonus, today was report card day and grade 4 is the first year that the kids get letter grades. Mikayla was thrilled to have all A's and she made the principals list too! She reported to me that this was the best birthday ever. I was pleased to hear it!

We ate Mikayla's favorite dinner; mashed potatoes and home made chicken fingers. Maddie made the name cards. I let her use the paper slicer to cut the cards and my silver paint pen to write on the cards...all with no supervision. She did a great job!

There's my lovely girl :)