Monday, August 31, 2009

Hippo Hugs

Cait got this adorable hippo from Grandpa Russ and Lenore when she was born. Maddie was showing it to her and she was reaching for it..seemed like she was really loving her hippo. Of course Maddie the pet lover was feeding right into this! She was talking baby talk to Caitlyn "oh, you wuv your diddle hip hip" "yes, you wuv your hip hip, give her hugs, give her big hugs..." It was an adorable scene all around! Wish I had had the sense to videotape it...I didn't... but I did grab the camera so here ya go!

Luvin' Our Baby

Look at her cute little smiley face! What a sweetie!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

4 Months Today!!

Today Caitlyn is 4 months old! Where has the time gone?

Reaching and Playing

Caitlyn is making good use of her little hands and arms these days. I had fun watching her reach for her toys on her play gym yesterday. Everyday she learns something new. It's amazing to watch! Each new experience is still exciting and wonderful even though she is not our first baby. In some ways, I think we are enjoying these little things even more this time around because we know how quickly she will grow!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Coming Along...

Here is the current status in the basement!

Mailee and Maddie have some pink accents and soon they will have lime green striped walls...can't picture it? keep checking back :)

The "media room" is chocolate brown! We painted all the hallways the same color as the upstairs hallways.

Mikayla's room is seawater on 3 walls and a darker shade on one wall. She has big plans for her room!!

Tonight Mike let the kids help with the painting. They had fun and Mike said they actually did a really good job!
Tomorrow the doors go in. Things are moving very quickly!!

Mailee And Caitlyn

Caitlyn is loved/talked to/ held by someone almost all day long. In these pictures, it happens to be Mailee. What will our tiny princess do when her 3 big sisters start school in 2 weeks???

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Big Moment Missed

Today Caitlyn accomplished a big task for the first time and we missed it! I laid Cait on her back in her play gym so I could get the kids a snack and when I returned to the room, this is how I found her!!!

"Hey Mom, look what I did!"

"You missed the big moment Mom and I don't know if I can remember how to do it again!!"

"Life looks good from this angle and check out my hand down there, it can hold stuff!"

I remember when Mikayla was trying to figure out how to roll from back to front, we didn't want to take our eyes off her for fear we may miss something amazing!! This time around, we missed something amazing and really, it's ok. We properly celebrated her when we all realized what she had done!

I am happy that Caitlyn is developing normally and is experiencing all the milestones that a baby goes through. It is easy to take for granted the little things that our children do...we are so blessed.

On The Hunt...

...for a mirror like this!! Mikayla's room is getting painted right now! I can't believe how quickly this has happened. We are searching for all sorts of things; furniture, curtains, closet organizing...too fun!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Story Time

Cait loves her pink girly baby book "That's Not My Fairy". Maddie has it memorized so she can "read" it too!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Baby Smiles

Cait gives us so many happy baby smiles. She is just a pure joy for our whole family!

And The Painting Continues!

I loved the living room color so much, I requested that we also paint the dining room!

Mike got right on it. Here he is preparing the wall!

The drywall in the basement is getting sanded on Sunday and then it will be time to paint!! The girls have chose their wall colors and I have picked a shade for the bathroom. The only decision left is what color to paint the large "media room". Any suggestions??

Friday, August 21, 2009

Polka Dot Bikini

Cait debuted her first two piece this week. This was Maddie's suit and one of my all time favorite items of clothing the girls have worn!! I mean just look at these pics...adorable, yes?

Sporting her shades!

"The sun is bright Mommy, I can't look at you right now"

Two sweetie pies

Blue eyed babies

Cait got to get in a girl cousin picture ...what a big girl!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

New Living Room Color!!

This week Brian painted our living room! The first color I chose went on looking forest green. I hated it. The second selection that Mike chose turned out perfect! Next project in here will be putting up all our pictures on a "family wall"!
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Cupboard Renovations

Last weekend I tackled the kitchen cupboards.

I washed and de-labled bunch of old jars...

....filled them with spices and other items that were in plastic bags or packaging, labeled them....

...and wa -la! Things are looking much better! (I wish I had taken a before picture!)

Look at all the bags and awkward packaging I got rid of!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Super Cool

Caleb takes cool to a new level with this "borrowed my sister's headband" look!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Child Labor

One of the perks to having lots of kids....

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

New Venture

The girls and I are gonna start a new adventure next week! We are taking the bows to the Farmer's Market!! We have added another item as well. Here is a hint....

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Drywall Begins!

The basement is completely insulated and ready to go. The drywaller (also a faithful patient of Mikes for 5 years) has arrived and is getting started!

I took this picture before all the stuff was out and when Mike had a little bit left to do, but you get the idea :) This picture is taken from standing in the "media room" looking at the doorways to Mailee's room, bathroom and hallway. (l-r)

This week I am trying to decide on bathroom tiles, counter, flooring. I have discovered I don't do well with so many choices! How do I narrow it down?? Here are some of my current thoughts on the matter...

I like this tile on the floor look. Not sure how white grout would look overtime...Also, we are going to tile the entire shower area so this may be too much teeny tile...or it may look great...??

This is just completely fabulous! I love the white subway tiles, love the dark cabinet (ours will bot be a piece of furniture like this, but I am speaking of the color)..I thought I wanted a marble counter top but the stone guy said it is not durable and that was enough for me to change my mind. He did show me a grayish granite that could give the same feel.

Here's another "feel" that I like, looks like grey subway tiles and marble floor and counter top.
This is a chunk that he showed me that is a great price and more of a neutral look like the rest of our house...


I am afraid it may end up looking like this...YUCK!

What's a girl to do?