Saturday, June 27, 2009


We are all so glad to have Mike back!!! This mornng Caitlyn and her Daddy were catching up during breakfast.
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Lost Molar

Attention toothfairy- The Banmans are requesting a visit. There is a tooth under a pillow and it's not just any's a molar! Wow, now each of our big girls has lost a tooth on this trip. I hope you hae GPS toothfairy :)
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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Summer Fun

We are enjoying the summer heat so much. The kids have been swimming every day.

Bike Date

Caleb and I have an early morning bike date. We have gone almost every morning that we have been in California...usually around 6:45am. He loves having me all to himself and I love being able to focus on just him! As soon as we get back to Grandma's house, he asks if we can go again.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy Girl

Caitlyn is so cute with all her smiles and coos. She loves being in the baby bjorn and staring at Grandma's ceiling fans. It seems like she smiles every time she looks at one of our faces. What a joy she is!!
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Happy Birthday Eric!!

Today is my little brother's birthday.

Eric is in the Air Force and stationed in Germany. We miss him!!
Here is his son Jakob...isn't he cute????

Happy Birthday Eric!!

Girls Just Wanna... a little shopping!!

Today Mailee and Maddie and I went to the mall just for fun. Mikayla is at VBS all week with her friend Devon and caleb was hanging out with Grandma so it was just the three of us. (actually 4 of us..Cait was along too but she was very quiet)

Trying on foo foo skirts at Macy's, just for fun!

We got some new bling!

How could we resist???

Hair bows a plenty!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Zoo!

We enjoyed a morning at the Chaffee Zoo. Fresno has an awesome zoo and because our town does not have one at all, the kids always want to come to the zoo when we come to town.

Two potential princesses kissing a toad.

My little peacock

The kids loved the reptile house. they looked at each exhibit in order, with Mikayla leading the way and reading the info for the kids. Often the girls couldn't find the reptile but Caleb would come up from behind an point it out to them.

Watching the sea lions.

We have a picture of me standing on these logs when I was a little girl.

Caleb and Grandma liked the Camel best.

This is the only photo of Caitlyn at the zoo. Shoot.

Mailee holding a miniature zebra.

The kids loved this- those guides had photos of all the animals in the exhibit and they spent a lot of time searching for each one and then reading about them.

At the top of the structure in the rain forest with a beautiful canopy of green leaves above them. They were all smiles (and not fake ones) CUTE!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Swimming at Grandpa's

The kids have been having lots of fun at Grandpa's pool!

Showing off some of the fun swim gear they've been enjoying. Maddie has since lost the vest and started swimming on her own! Hooray for the doggy paddle!

Yay! So Fun!

Canon Ball!!

Caleb ends his jump with this move he made up on his own...kinda like a big "TA DA" finish.

Soaking up the sun.

Even Caitlyn tested out the water....

... she wasn't into it but she sure was cute!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Special Friends

We spent a whole day over at the Samuelian's. Starting in three year old preschool, Mikayla and Devon have developed a special bond. They have been able to maintain a friendship the past 6 years through letters and visits.

Two peas in a pod!

Maddie and Taylor...The younger siblings are becoming fast friends as well.

Sizing each other up...who is bigger now?

The relationship between Mikayla and Devon is really special. We love this family so much, they have been a blessing in our lives and a highlight to our trips to Fresno.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Puppy Love

This is Maddie and Ginger. Ginger is my mom's puppy. Maddie is obsessed with Ginger. She carries her around the house, attaches her leash and drags her around outside, rocks on the porch swing with's very cute.

I am not sure who is going to miss who more when we leave! Ginger's life will go back to being very quiet and Maddie will go back to a very pet-free home. (I take care of children, I don't need anything else that requires being fed or cleaned up after, thank you very much!)

Sticker Collecting

I took the girls to one of my favorite stores that sells stickers off the roll. Their eyes got so big when they saw the wall of stickers! They have never experienced ripping a sticker off of the roll.

They were choosing stickers like crazy!!

I had to teach them how to do a clean rip. It was so fun!

Caitlyn Is 6 Weeks Old!

Our sweet baby is 6 weeks old today! Here are some of her adorable smiles and cute faces...

All smiles lots of the time!

Experimenting with her tongue.

Caitlyn has done a lot of bonding with her Grandma Bev.

Teach 'em young...TJ Maxx ROCKS!