I'm so thankful to live in such a beautiful place where there are so many awesome things to see and do!
Can you see the goats on the hillside in this photo?
This was the kids' favorite part- Gelato!!!
Can you see the goats on the hillside in this photo?
This was the kids' favorite part- Gelato!!!
Grandpa asked the tour guide if Caleb could sit on the tractor...He was really excited to do this!
Goats like carrots! Our kids liked feeding the goats!
She came up with this lovely pose on her own!!
Here is Mikayla in her grade 2 ballet class. She goes to school with 5 of these girls. Four of them have been dancing together for 5 years now! (I love that!)
This year Mikayla gets to have a navy bodysuit...and the ballet class is much more intense than it has been.
Mikayla and Mailee are in tap together again.
Unfortunately, I was not able to get photos of Mailee's ballet or the girls in jazz because Mike took them to those classes last Friday. (I was thankful that he was helping out with the driving...I chose not to push it by asking for photos:)
Maddie is only 4 1/2 so for the past few weeks when she was complaining that her tooth hurt, I was worried she had a cavity...it did not even cross my mind that one my baby girl's teeth could already be loose!!! Yesterday she was in a panic as she showed me her tooth. I was relieved and shocked to discover a little bottom tooth that was hanging by a thread!
Today Mike assisted Maddie with her very loose tooth...
I can not believe how much losing a first tooth makes a child's face look so much more grown up!!
Shell's happy Birthday Cheesecake "cake"
Linda is a hands-on Grandma! She gets right in there with the kids and PLAYS!!
When Mailee was born, Linda was there to experience the birth and help out for a few weeks. It was a great time in our relationship to get to know each other one on one! I felt showered with Linda's gifts and talents in the areas of servant hood and food preparation extraordinaire! She really knows how to work hard and do the exact things that need to be done. I really admire these qualities. And everything she makes (to eat) tastes incredible:)
My wonderful, fun-loving, family oriented in-laws. (This is a great picture, hey?)
I am so thankful for the way that Linda (and Don) raised their 5 incredible kids and that I am the girl who God has chosen to bestow the gift of these amazing siblings and husband!! What a fantastic family to be a part of!
Linda's creativity blesses us in surprising ways. Here are all the kids dressed up as Santa's at our family Christmas last year. This was Mom's idea. She put us in groups each group had one child and we had to deck them out like Santa...it was hilarious, fun and an awesome memory.
One of the biggest strengths that Linda brings to our family is her passion for Christ and her commitment to pray! I love this picture. Again, what a blessing to be a part of a family who believes that God's Word and the promises in it are true...a family that can pray together and support each other through the challenges and changes of life. Thank you Mom for your indispensable role in this family and for the precious person that you have become to me over the last 10 years:)
Happy Birthday (late...of course but we won't focus on that:)
Here we all are this spring, when we celebrated our 30th year together in Fresno.
Wow- he is learning to kick- what a guy!
Now if only we could perfect the potty training....